We want to be better in more than one area of our lives. There’s our health, our social lives, our personal work—and the personal work likely contains anywhere from four to eight subcategories and projects.
What are you gonna do, pick just one? No. Not if you don’t have to. And that’s the good news we bring you today: you don’t have to choose. It’s possible to have it all!
It just takes one magic word, and about a million ways to implement it: prioritization.
Mastering prioritization could change your life
8, ya 8 metode yang bisa digunakan untuk membantu menyusun prioritas tugas untuk personal, kerjaan, life dan lainnya.
Beberapa sudah familiar, beberapa juga baru denger ini, nice read!
*i know and realize this is long weekend, shouldn’t talk about “productivity”, but there are so many long queues of task need to be done 🙁
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