Most of the photos on lnstagram are not social photos, but instead tend towards photos of the world around us.
Also, we’re primarily mobile in experience, we have no web in our DNA as of yet, and for this reason we’ve focused on mobile photos rather than photos in general.
Kevin Systrom on email about Instagram acquisition by Facebook
Obrolan email dari Mark Zuckenberg (FB, of course) dan Kevin Systrom (Instagram) waktu FB mau akusisi Instagram.
Kalau baca bagian pesan dari Kevin Systrom, dapet banget esensi Instagram waktu awal dibuat, tujuannya buat share “dunia sekitar kita”, bukan foto sosial seperti selfie, family, friends dan kegitan sosial lain. It used to be cool photo community!
Di sisi lain, Instagram aslinya, juga fokus sama mobile photos, jadi memang niche sekali.
Sangat jauh berbeda denga Instagram hari ini, to be fair, email tersebut sudah 12 tahun lalu!